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Intersection Healthcare People

Intersection Healthcare people are diverse and highly skilled professionals with a vision
to support vulnerable individuals to live happy and healthy lives in their
own homes.

Intersection Healthcare recognise that good leadership is vital, and we feel confident that we have
appointed the right leaders with the right qualifications, skills and experience to lead our
Service and embody the culture and values of the workforce and organisation.

The Management Team have significant knowledge skills and experience in leading and developing teams and will involve and include Staff, Service Users and their Families in all aspects of service delivery.

Kindness, Compassion And Dignity

At Intersection Healthcare People are always treated with kindness, empathy and compassion. We understand that you matter and that your experience of how you are treated and supported matters. Your privacy and dignity is respected. Every effort is made to take your wishes into account and respect your choices, to achieve the best possible outcomes for you. This includes supporting you to live as independently as possible.

Intersection Healthcare aim to ensure that there is a strong, visible person-centred culture and that staff in all roles are highly motivated and offer care and support that is exceptionally compassionate and kind. We will seek methods to ensure care for individuals and each other is delivered in a way that exceeds expectations. We will train staff to demonstrate a real empathy for you, the people they care for and make sure that you, and those close to you, feel that you matter, and that Staff listen to you and talk to you appropriately and in a way you can understand. Respect for privacy and dignity is at the heart of Intersection Healthcare’s service culture and values. It is embedded in everything that the service and its staff do.

Safe Systems, Pathways and Transitions

Intersection Healthcare work with our people and our partners to establish and maintain safe systems of care, in which safety is managed, monitored and assured.

We ensure continuity of care, including when people move between different services.


Intersection Healthcare Staff will develop positive and trusting relationships with you that helps to keep you safe; staff will have the time they need to do so or make the time.

We will ensure that Intersection Healthcare Staff will be exceptionally well trained in safeguarding people and highly skilled at recognising when people are at risk of abuse or feel unsafe, and they are comfortable and proactive when challenging and reporting unsafe practice. We will ensure that you are involved in decisions about your safety to the maximum possible extent and that your wishes are respected.

Health & Wellbeing

Intersection Healthcare recognise the importance of being part of the local community and the value attached to people feeling at home in their wider environment, leading a full life of their choosing.

During the assessment process we will also discuss what access to the community you have and where Services are located so that you can participate in your own local community, if you so wish, to increase your independence and transition to be part of the community.

To ensure that your day to day health and wellbeing needs are met we will collect information regarding any local wellbeing/ health promotion services and will provide this information to you in a format that you can understand and will identify support required to engage in any Services that you choose.

This will include positive mental health community facilities and schemes where you can connect with others e.g. giving to others -volunteer work, charity events, opportunities to learn for ongoing cognitive functioning -book clubs, courses, opportunities to remain active -walking groups, swimming classes, mindfulness techniques -colouring and drawing, meditation, or social -attending community groups such as choirs, local religious groups.

Our care model will focus on people’s strengths and promoting what you can do by listening to and involving you, your families and other service professionals involved in your care.

To find out how we can help you

Get in touch today

0113 249 9929